A lot of companies worldwide try to implement Environment rolls, principles in the real life in their plants through EMSystem ISO 14001. Employees sort the scrap and rubbish, weight the volume and decrease it year by year through special companies like A.S.A, Marius Pedersen, AVE, etc. They provide them with reports that is necessary for audit of the EMS system. The results you can see on the company glass wall and everyone is satisfied.
... but that is only on paper, that is hypocrisy! Why? Because companies take it easy, just select one big company for everything, do not take care where really goes their rubbish, whether is really recycled. If they do so, than they would see that their sorted scrap and rubbish is putted together and stored in tip forever or burn.
That is why I can recommend to make the sourcing by every part number and choose at least two suppliers that can guarantee recycling, also that is good for competition between the companies that will provide you with better service.
Sometime is good to see what the companies do beside of their core business, I mean what added value they give to the society, countryside and environment. For example there is a company Ekotrans which is specialized to recycling of PE, PP, etc. ( they use the PP, PE scrap from food, mediapressing industry like foil and this resourced clear scrap recycle to granula that is used for moulding injectin in automotive, electronics, etc. Simply told, for new products. Beside of this build very nice countryside as you can see on the picture above. That is the culture and value that can stay here for several centuries, it outlives the current people and companies ...